Finding the Right Betting Market for You

Before becoming a professional gambler, decide if you can meet your personal needs with your income? Can you combine betting and work? Is there enough time for daily analysis of sports events? And do you really need it?
Compare odds
An insignificant difference in 안전 놀이터 quotes, in the long term, will bring a significant increase in earnings. Let’s look at the example of two players.
A player plays in an illegal office and bets on totals, which, with equal probability, are estimated with coefficients 1.85-1.85. Another also prefers betting on total, however, with a reliable and legal bookmaker, which offers 1.90-1.90 for equally probable outcomes.
To make it easier, let’s say that this is the main total in basketball, for example, 165.5. On “more” and “less” the office sets identical values. Let’s also assume that a player and the other are successful cappers showing 55% off-road capability.
Let’s get down to the calculations. Based on the results of 100 deals for 10 USD That is, it turns out the following:
A player won $ 18 – (55 * 0.85 – 45) * 10;
But the other player earned $ 45. (55 * 0.90 – 45) * 10.
The difference in odds is insignificant, but the other player got 2 times more. But you can find offices where 1.92-1.92 and even 1.95-1.95 are given for equal outcomes, for example, ” 1xBet ” and ” Marathon “.
Determine the probability
Do not rely not on intuition, omens and other nonsense. A professional player must always assess the likelihood of an outcome. For example, A player claims that the hosts will win the match. He doesn’t care what odds to bet on. He will play both 1.45 and 1.70. And you already know how important the value of quotes is.
However, if the other player tells him that he estimates the chances of the home win at 55%, then it becomes clear that this bet should not be taken for 1.4 or even 1.7. The mathematical expectation does not exceed one (0.55 * 1.7 = 0.935), which means that the deal is unprofitable in the future. If the odds were about 2.0, then such a rate would be justified.
This strategy is called Value Betting
Bets on underestimated odds based on statistics and analysis. Primitive explanation is that a player scores in every third match. It turns out that the coefficient for this event is 1 to 3.3. Having bet 10 USD for 3 matches, you will receive $ 33. This is in theory, since the example takes into account superficial statistics, and not the form of the athlete, his motivation, the level of the opponent and many other factors.
Keep statistics on rates
You must be aware of each placed 메이저 사이트 bet. Recording deals allows you to find strengths and weaknesses. Only the accounting of bets will tell you that baseball betting is unprofitable for you, negative handicap loses more often, and odds more than two pass with the same frequency as 1.55. These moments are revealed after analyzing the perfect bets. Record your bet in a table or notebook, indicating the date, tournament, match, outcome, odds, bet amount and result.