How is Softball Different from Baseball?

Baseball and softball both use similar equipment like balls, bats and gloves. It is the reason that most people think that they both are the same. But it is not true; some facts make them different from each other. If you have once played baseball, then it does not mean that you can also play softball without knowing its rules.
This article will tell you about the differences between baseball and softball. If you want to enhance your knowledge, then keep reading this article.
How is Softball Different from Baseball?
When a general question of difference is asked to the public, the most common answer is there is a difference in ball size for baseball and softball; that is why these are separate sports. But it is only a tiny difference; many more things distinguish one from the other. Let’s get into these differences.
Softball is different from baseball in the following terms.
Level Pitching Mound
Baseball and softball have a significant difference in pitching mounds. In baseball, the level is, to some extent, raised. That is why the ball pitched at a downward angle. But in baseball, the pitching mound is plain that helps keep the ball in its zone.
The Distance between Pitcher Mound and Home Plate
Another big difference between softball and baseball is the difference between home plate to pitcher mound. The softball has a shorter distance than a baseball that can be from 35 up to 40 feet. But it depends on the age and skill level of the players.
Ball Size
The size of the ball is another difference between softball and baseball. In softball, the ball size is larger than the ball size in baseball. It is more significant in weight and circumference. The softball weighs 7 ounces, and the circumference is 12 inches. But a baseball size is nine inches, and weight is 5.25 ounces.
Yes, both softball and baseball are used, but there are different bats for both sports. The barrels of the softball bats are more comprehensive than those used in baseball. Another significant thing is the restriction on using a particular type of bat for specific leagues. If a bat is approved for youth leagues only you can’t use that bat for high-school senior leagues.
Size of Base Lines
The baselines in softball are much smaller than traditional baseball lines. In this way, the infield is shorter that leads to a shorter pitching distance. This distance affects the defense as well. With a 35 length from where a pitcher throws, the baseline will be up to 55.
Ball Pitching Method
It is the most noticeable difference that you can see when a pitcher throws a ball to the batter. In baseball, the pitcher throws the ball overhand, whereas the softball pitchers throw the ball by underhand. The pitcher in the softball throws the ball from 43 feet and reach 60mph on the radar gun. And softball has two leagues, one is fastpitch softball leagues and one is slowpitch softball leagues.
Both fastpitch and slowpitch softball have different bats. But in baseball, distance is higher than more than 60 feet with a ball travelling speed of more than 90mbh.
Wrapping Up
Most people think that softball is a girl’s sport and baseball is for boys. But it is not like that because both the genders are welcome in either game to participate. But due to less stressful techniques, the girls or adults might go with softball. Both the sports have the same charm; you can verify it from the parks and diamonds near you. No matter what sport you are playing, get the complete equipment to succeed.