Look for the Essential Solutions for the Essentials of Rise of Kingdoms
Find the Rise Of Kingdoms Guides now. One of the first things to know about creating an army is that quality must be given priority over quantity. Each unit has its strengths and weaknesses. It is up to you to juggle these characteristics to choose your troops in a relevant way. Every civilization has its unique unity and it is around this that its army must be articulated. (On this subject you can consult the guide of civilizations) If you chose a civilization oriented cavalry, develop this pole rather than another. In addition, consider gathering buildings of the same type in the same geographical area of your city. This will prevent you from dispersing when creating your army. Does your village lack building land? Cut trees.
Also know that your leader is a formidable fighter. With each victory you will accumulate points to spend in the talent tree or in its active or passive skills.
Finally, don’t overlook the importance of the hospital. This building heals your units wounded in combat. Not only will this save you money on recruiting new troops, but more importantly, your units will be less vulnerable.
Defense is sometimes the best attack
Developing the offensive aspect of your city is a good strategy, but don’t bet everything on it. Firstly, it may happen that all of your warriors are on a mission and that you do not have them on hand to cross paths with them, or even that they are in the hospital to recover from their emotions.
If you don’t want to see your efforts wiped out, think about improving your wall quickly to prevent anyone with malicious intentions from entering your home. To increase the protection of your city tenfold, take the reflex to place some of your valiant warriors in garrison.
At some point, you will certainly feel like you are stagnating in the game, and then you will want to go faster. You attack stronger than you, much stronger. Or have crazy ideas like sending your hero on a mission alone. After all, you will say to me, they are damn stupid leaders of civilizations. It is at your own risk. If you try to do it anyway, a small preventive message will be triggered and tell you that it is a suicide mission.
In short, think before you act
A good leader is a leader who keeps his brain moving. Your action points and resources are not unlimited. You have to make choices. And each choice will affect the management of your city. Any construction mobilizes your workers and requires time. It is a precious time when they will not be able to tackle other tasks. Obviously, you can use acceleration bonuses or hire additional builders, but these solutions are only beneficial from time to time. It is up to you to be a good manager. By the way, a little tip, if you suspect your workers are procrastinating, take a look at the builders’ hut, so you will have an overview of the available workforce and can check if the elbow grease is used wisely.